Our workshops and courses are temporarily postponed, they will resume as soon as it safe to do so.

Obedience Dog Training
Obedience training is the next stage on from the Puppy course or for rehomed dogs who need to learn new skills. Things you will work on with your dog:
• Learning how to focus in exciting environments
• Developing strategies to remain calm
• Loose lead walking
• Staying close and recalling when out in public places
• Being polite around dogs and people
• Playing with a human!
Having completed this obedience training course your dog should have a good foundation to move on to other fun ways to train. Penny runs a fun obedience drop in class for those who want to teach their dog more traditional obedience skills and other fun things which helps to mentally challenge your dog and keep them happy and interested, working with their owners.
Fun Obedience Course
Obedience made fun with your dog skills we work on:
• Go around an obstacle
• Go to a target
• Distant sit or down
• Close lead and off lead walking
• Retrieving to hand
• Distance control and advanced positions
• Recall to heel. Recall with distractions
Next Course Starting: Friday 1st May
Course Length: 6 sessions fortnightly
Level One: 9.30am (beginners)
Level Three: 12:00
Level Two: 2pm

Rally Obedience ‘experienced trainer’
Relatively new in this country, Rally Obedience is catching on fast and is an excellent way to develop focus and mentally challenge you and your dog! It involves a series of obstacles and instructions which you follow with your dog. Your trainer will take you through levels one and two during the course. If you or your dog are not suited to agility or you want something calmer for your dog to do this is ideal. Unlike traditional obedience tests Rally encourages you to reward your dog, interact with it and have fun.
Our rally Trainer is a Crufts qualified competitor and experience trainer.
Next Course Starting: Contact Penny for dates and times
Course Length: 4 weeks